Saturday, 20 December 2008

What Are Supplements And What Do They Do? Part 1

When it comes to health and body maintenance many of us don’t get enough of what we need or are diets don’t have some of the most crucial building blocks of the body. We don’t usually notice it or care too much because our bodies usually do a pretty good job of developing what we need and extracting what we need from the food we eat.

Even though our bodies are about as efficient as they can get, they are very far from performing at their optimum capability.

This is where supplements come in to the mix and help out considerably. Especially if you’re in to body building and better health they provide you with the next level of physical development and maintenance. Some of them provide essential Vitamins and oils that the body can’t develop itself but still needs. Others keep our bodies topped up to their optimum requirements and performing at their absolute best.

There is an incredibly wide range of supplements out there, all doing different things for you, this does not necessarily mean you have to take every single one available, in fact this could possibly have a negative effect on you if you just want to lose a bit of weight or belly flab. If you are one of us trying to lose the belly a great way to go is taking a multi-vitamin tablet and drinking a few cups of green tea a day.

Green tea really stimulates the metabolism and puts it into overdrive to lose fat. Scientist still haven’t got to the bottom of why this happens but they have proven through multiple tests on people and groups that it increases the rate at which the body burns fat by at least 15%. Depending on the person the effects are different. But it is confirmed that whoever you are and whatever you eat. Green tea will help you to stabilise your fat or stimulate the loss of it.

If you are on a weight loss or fat loss Program, or diet, this could mean that your body isn’t getting some of the essential vitamins your body needs, of course this depends on your previous diet. Whether your serious about this whole thing or not, A Multi-vitamin is absolutely essential to you.

Vitamins are vital to making sure everything in our body’s functions properly and healthily. Vitamins such as the much lauded vitamins C and B, These two alone can prevent colds and skin conditions altogether. Vitamin B also helps to increase the metabolism and develop muscle tone and condition. It can also help to decrease or get rid of acne and spots.

Vitamins come in two forms. There are water soluble vitamins and fat soluble vitamins. Water soluble vitamins include vitamins B and C. These aren’t usually stored in the body for more than a couple of hours at a time, but that’s all you need. Fat Soluble Vitamins include A, D, E and K Vitamins. These provide stimuli for the metabolism, immune systems and the digestive system. If you suffer from constipation that’s in part due to a lack of these Vitamins in your body. Fat Soluble Vitamins play a major part in stopping your body from developing all sorts of deficiencies, especially if you’re older, these will help. If you have no health problems at all at the moment these will help you to maintain that state.

For weight loss and fat loss and another metabolic boost, wheatgrass is worth considering instead of or as well as green tea. Wheat Grass contains a lot of alkaline properties which help to neutralise acid build up in the body. If you have a very stressful day ahead of you nothing else will prepare you for it quite like wheatgrass. The only thing you have to bear in mind is this will give you a lot of energy, so it’s probably best to avoid having this in the evening.

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